We want to inform you that if for any reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 14 days of delivery.
If you created an account before making a purchase:
- Log in using the credentials previously entered
- Select the order you want to return from the "Orders" section and click "Return"
- A return confirmation email with instructions will be sent to you once you have completed the process
Purchases made by "guests":
- Create an account using the same email address that you used to place your order
- Please check your inbox (and spam folder) as you will receive an email asking you to confirm your email address
- Enter the credentials you have chosen to log in
- From the "Orders" section, select the order you want to return and click "Return"
- A return confirmation email with instructions will be sent to you once you have completed the process
Please be informed that EXTRA CEE returns are not authorized. For more information visit our return policy.